One Week Meal Plan
This plan will give you a starting point in your journey to balancing hormones by providing breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks that are high in quality protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates and antioxidants. Macronutrient and calorie balanced so you can work towards your weight loss or maintenance goals.
High Protein Recipe Pack
Stuck for ideas on how to incorporate quality protein into your day? Try our sample guide of 10 delicious high protein recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
PCOS Starter Guide
This starter guide will give you all the tools to get started on managing your PCOS and rebalancing hormones. Learn about key blood tests, nutrition changes, lifestyle factors and exercise that will help to reduce symptoms of PCOS.
30g of Protein Guide
Bump up your protein intake by using this quick and easy visual guide. A super handy tool for creating balanced meals that will help you reach your target intake of protein.
How to track your cycle
Your menstrual cycle can reveal a lot about your health and possible hormonal imbalances! Learn about the key methods used to track your menstrual cycle, including ovulation, basal body temperature, cervix position, discharge and moods.